Air, water, renewable electricity. Nothing else needed.

Direct air capture

We use direct air capture (DAC) technology to remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. It's simple technology: we suck in air and pass it over a salt that absorbs CO₂. For our process we've chosen to use and reuse clean salts - potassium hydroxide, the main ingredient in soap-making. We use renewable electricity to release the carbon from the salts and produce hydrogen from water. Our technology is designed to work anywhere.

From air to e-fuel

DAC traps carbon dioxide, but doesn't make it useful. We are building technology that helps everyone do something useful with the carbon they capture. Fossil fuels are everywhere, used every day, and contribute 1/3 of all greenhouse gases. We want to help people make a carbon-neutral replacement for fossil fuels.

Aircela technology produces electric fuel (e-fuel) which, when it uses renewable electricity, is carbon-neutral, free from fossil fuel pollutants like sulfur, and ready for any gasoline engine.

Powered only by renewable energy

Any sustainable technology is only as good as its source of energy. We will require every aircela system to be powered with electricity that does not contribute to CO₂ emissions. Our commitment to renewable electricity sources means aircela systems will be powered by either local energy generation (mainly solar or wind) or purchased renewable power from the grid.

Everywhere scale

A handful of DAC projects are under construction around the world, all at factory scale. But factory scale technology takes years to plan, more years to build, and decades to iterate. We don't have that kind of time. Team Aircela discovered in 2013 how small-scale technology makes processes more efficient. Our everywhere scale technology allows the world to start repurposing CO₂ faster, reduces barriers to adoption of DAC technology, and dramatically lowers costs through mass production.